Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

More thoughts about showering and soap....

Did you know that it is healthy for your hair not to wash it everyday? Sometimes even waiting two days is really good for it. This is great because that means we can use less water and less soap. I decided that I will take a bath when I don't wash my hair and then shower when I need to wash it. ALSO, Dale and I are going to switch to bar soap (DALE WAS RIGHT ON THIS ONE!) so that we don't use as much plastic.....I feel like this is something pretty easy to give up. I might have one liquid soap dispenser in the kitchen, but just refill it.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My First Shower.....

Today I took my first shower in a week and a half. I just had knee surgery and all I could do before was take a bath. Let me tell you IT FELT SOOOOOO AMAZING TO TAKE A SHOWER!!!!!! BUT while I was in the shower, I thought to myself about the water crisis and how much water was going down the drain. Not to mention, the water that was going down the drain was pretty clean compared to much of the world's water supply. Someone could be drinking this water!!! Also, I thought to myself what a luxury it was that I was taking a warm shower!!! SO NOW I THINK I AM GIONG TO TRY TO TAKE BATHS MORE OFTEN OR AT LEAST SHOWER LESS. I will start small.....five baths a month!!!! If you feel you are close enough to me to keep me accountable, PLEASE DO!!!!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010


I have been amazed lately at how much plastic we use. EVERYTHING COMES IN PLASTIC, well almost everything. Just look in your bathroom and then think of how many people throw that much plastic away everyday....I can get kind of depressed thinking about it. I watched this amazing documentary that took you out into the ocean and they were finding CRAZY AMOUNTS of plastic that was destroying sea it is:

Reusing sandwich bags and I WILL NEVER BUY WAX PAPER AGAIN

When I was a junior or senior in college, I went and stayed with my Grandparents for a weekend. I was in the kitchen helping my Grandma and I saw a whole bunch of plastic bags in the dish dryer rack that looked like they had been washed out. I thought to myself...."Oh my cute little post-WWII Grandma feels like she has to save and reuse everything. That's funny and kind of gross and kind of a hassle. Come on it's just a little plastic bag." Well, now 10 years later I wish my Grandma was alive so that I could tell her how AWESOME she was for doing this and how she was being a good steward of God's Creation and of her money as well. Yes, it took me 10 years to realize that I should reuse those plastic bags, especially when they hardly get dirty. Now, I understand that you might want to toss them when they had just had chicken in them or something pretty nasty. But then again, couldn't I marinate my chicken in a glass dish?

Now, my mom, without even knowing it, has taught me a lot about being environmentally friendly. She just told me recently that Grandma Anna had also taught her to use the bag that your cereal comes in as wax paper. I WILL NEVER BUY WAX PAPER AGAIN, just cut it down so it opens up into a flat piece and wipe or rinse it off and WALA you have wax paper. Though I hardly ever use wax paper for anything, but if I need I will have it!!
After searching google for a cool picture, I came across tons of other ideas:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Acedia and Me....

I am reading a great book by Kathleen Norris called Acedia and Me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer's Life. It is pretty amazing and I want to try to process it, so I am going to be posting some of my favorite quotes.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

My Personal Blog.... I go. I am just trying this out to see if it will help me with processing my own thoughts. I probably will just copy and paste alot of articles, pictures, quotes, etc....for the first few months. I just have to start training my mind to think and to process. I might occasionally update on our family. This is just going to be some random thoughts, feelings, emotions....etc. So watch out...hahaha.