Monday, May 17, 2010

Reusing sandwich bags and I WILL NEVER BUY WAX PAPER AGAIN

When I was a junior or senior in college, I went and stayed with my Grandparents for a weekend. I was in the kitchen helping my Grandma and I saw a whole bunch of plastic bags in the dish dryer rack that looked like they had been washed out. I thought to myself...."Oh my cute little post-WWII Grandma feels like she has to save and reuse everything. That's funny and kind of gross and kind of a hassle. Come on it's just a little plastic bag." Well, now 10 years later I wish my Grandma was alive so that I could tell her how AWESOME she was for doing this and how she was being a good steward of God's Creation and of her money as well. Yes, it took me 10 years to realize that I should reuse those plastic bags, especially when they hardly get dirty. Now, I understand that you might want to toss them when they had just had chicken in them or something pretty nasty. But then again, couldn't I marinate my chicken in a glass dish?

Now, my mom, without even knowing it, has taught me a lot about being environmentally friendly. She just told me recently that Grandma Anna had also taught her to use the bag that your cereal comes in as wax paper. I WILL NEVER BUY WAX PAPER AGAIN, just cut it down so it opens up into a flat piece and wipe or rinse it off and WALA you have wax paper. Though I hardly ever use wax paper for anything, but if I need I will have it!!
After searching google for a cool picture, I came across tons of other ideas:

1 comment:

Stacy Fredrickson said...

For the past 10 years or so, I have cut those cereal wax bags into circles to fit a cookie tin, and filled the tins with two or three layers of Christmas cookies that don't sprinkle or smear on each other. It's really sturdy stuff.