Thursday, May 20, 2010

My First Shower.....

Today I took my first shower in a week and a half. I just had knee surgery and all I could do before was take a bath. Let me tell you IT FELT SOOOOOO AMAZING TO TAKE A SHOWER!!!!!! BUT while I was in the shower, I thought to myself about the water crisis and how much water was going down the drain. Not to mention, the water that was going down the drain was pretty clean compared to much of the world's water supply. Someone could be drinking this water!!! Also, I thought to myself what a luxury it was that I was taking a warm shower!!! SO NOW I THINK I AM GIONG TO TRY TO TAKE BATHS MORE OFTEN OR AT LEAST SHOWER LESS. I will start small.....five baths a month!!!! If you feel you are close enough to me to keep me accountable, PLEASE DO!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Shane Claiborne (I think...) once made a great point that there should be some sort of system where things like sink water and shower water get reused in our toilets and gardens, etc.

Karyn said...

It's Karyn, Julie's sister. Cool blog. How are your kiddos and how is Colorado?

Stacy Fredrickson said...

i take showers still. while water is warming up, i catch it in a big bucket (take it out to water plants) then while showering, turn off water while soaping up, then back on to rinse. turn off while washing hair, then turn on again, etc. one time i stopped up the drain to see how much water i actually used, and it was less than a bath. hard to do when chilly in the winter, very nice in summer :-) but now it feels right and normal